The amazing secrets of the mystic East

Anthony Norvell
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Editore: StreetLib
Codice EAN: 9791222465869
Anno edizione: 2023
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
Dati: brossura
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You were born into one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Your soul was projected into a vital, living body, with a creative thinking brain that shares in the mystery called "Life." Did you ever stop to question the reason for your being in this world, sharing in these magnificent life experiences, enjoying the excitement of love, the adventure of discovery and the creation of the miracle of new life? Can the true purpose behind your life be one of mere sensual enjoyment, animal appetites, the search for money, power, fame and fortune? Or is there a deeper, more mystical reason why you were born? THE TAPESTRY OF TIMELESS WISDOM This tapestry of timeless wisdom that comes to us from the Far East and the Middle East, which tries to comprehend and chart the invisible forces of life, is called Mysticism. Some of the greatest revelations of all time have come to us from the mystical lands of ancient India, China, Tibet and Egypt. These deeper mysteries have spread throughout the world, laying the foundations upon which civilization was built. Some of these great truths spread to Greece and influenced the philosophers of that ancient land. They were to be found in ancient Japan and laid the foundations for Shintoism and Buddhism. They became a part of the wisdom of Jerusalem, which comprised the background of the ancient Jewish faith, and ushered in the Christian dispensation. Moses's laws of the Ten Commandments and Jesus's Golden Rule and Sermon on the Mount have permeated the laws and educational systems upon which our Western civilization has been built. MIRACLES PERFORMED BY GREAT MYSTICS OF THE PAST The great mystics like Moses, Abraham and Jesus used some of these revelations which caused them to perform miracles in their time. Turning a stick into a crawling serpent, or changing water into wine, walking on the water, healing the sick, all these miraculous forces showed the use of ancient white magic and transcendental spiritual forces that came directly from the mystical lands of India, China, Tibet and Egypt. In fact, the teachings of the Far East and Mid-East preceded the teachings of the Christian mystic, Jesus, by several hundred years! ASK FOR A MIRACLE TODAY You can become a part of this great cosmic scheme of mysticism and ask for your own personal miracle today. You can use the forces of occultism, white magic, invocations, rituals, chants and meditations to release the creative energy of your own higher nature and perform miracles in your own life.