Bollinger on Bollinger Bands

John Bollinger
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Editore: McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
Codice EAN: 9780071373685
Anno edizione: 2001
Anno pubblicazione:
Dati: 256 p.
ty=I s=1 rel=1,1
op=N s=1 q=4(0+4-0) g=5

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'All in all, "Bollinger on Bollinger Bands" is a gem...within 10 minutes of opening it, it went on my list of the five best technical analysis books ever' - Active Trader. This is the first comprehensive traders' guide to using Bollinger Bands from the man who created them. It includes a handy Bollinger Bands reference card. Over the past two decades, thousands of veteran traders have come to view Bollinger Bands as the most representative and reliable tool for assessing expected price action. Now, in the long-anticipated "Bollinger on Bollinger Bands", John Bollinger himself explains how to use this extraordinary technique to effectively compare price and indicator movements.Traders can look to this techniques-oriented book for hundreds of valuable insights, including: analysis of the primary indicators derived from Bollinger Bands percentage b and BandWidth; how traders can use Bollinger Bands to work with instead of against commonly encountered trading patterns; strategic use of Bollinger Bands in short-, mid-, and long-term trading programs; three trading systems based on Bollinger Bands; and, the essence of successful investing is to determine when a stock's price is too high or too low and then act accordingly. While John Bollinger would be the first to argue that no techniques exist for definitively determining these levels, "Bollinger on Bollinger Bands" presents an insider's examination of the one tool that if its widespread popularity is an accurate judge of its effectiveness comes closer than anything else. Concise yet comprehensive, it is one of today's truly indispensable investment guidebooks. 'The purpose of this book is to help you avoid many of the common traps investors get caught in, including the buy-low, sell-high trap, where the investor buys only to watch the stock continue downward or sells only to watch the stock continue upward. Here, the traditional, emotional approach to the markets is replaced with a relative framework within which prices can be evaluated in a rigorous manner leading to a series of rational investment decisions without reference to absolute truths' - From the Introduction.In the 1970s, market newcomer John Bollinger couldn't find a system of investment analysis to fit his belief that all market events exist only in relation to one another and that there are no absolutes. So he created his own. That approach Rational Analysis led to the establishment of Bollinger Bands and ensured Bollinger's spot in investment analysis history. Now, in "Bollinger on Bollinger Bands", John Bollinger explains the market conditions that led to his initial discovery, and gives readers the inside story of the development and refinement of Bollinger Bands. He then goes on to present a relative decision framework built around Rational Analysis and Bollinger Bands, an extraordinarily powerful combination of technical and fundamental analysis that answers the question of whether prices are too high or too low for virtually any security or market environment.By understanding how to incorporate Bollinger's techniques into their own investment strategy, investors will greatly increase their ability to ignore often-costly emotions and arrive at rational decisions supported by both the facts and the underlying market environment. "Bollinger on Bollinger Bands" provides: the first authoritative examination of this revolutionary technical analysis tool; three simple systems for implementing Bollinger Bands; and, innovative methods for clarifying patterns and analyzing time frames and moving averages.The key to effective investment analysis is to as much as possible eliminate emotion and approach each trade on its technical and fundamental merits alone. Since their introduction, few analytical techniques have helped investors do this better or more consistently than Bollinger Bands. "Bollinger on Bollinger Bands" provides tips, guidelines, and rules for incorporating the bands into virtually any investment strategy. It is a watershed book, written by the only man truly qualified to claim a comprehensive knowledge of the topic John Bollinger himself.

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