McKinsey Mind

Ethan RasielPaul FrigaPaul Friga
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Editore: McGraw-Hill Education - Europe
Codice EAN: 9780071374293
Anno edizione: 2001
Anno pubblicazione:
Dati: 240 p.
ty=I s=1 rel=1,1
op=N s=1 q=125(0+125-0) g=5

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This is the first step-by-step manual for achieving McKinsey-style solutions and success. International bestseller "The McKinsey Way" provided a through-the-keyhole look at McKinsey & Co., history's most prestigious consulting firm. Now, the follow-up implementation manual, "The McKinsey Mind", reveals the hands-on secrets behind the powerhouse firm's success and discusses how executives from any field or industry can use those tactics to be more proactive and successful in their day-to-day decision-making. Structured around interviews and frontline anecdotes from former McKinsey consultants as well as the authors, themselves McKinsey alumni The McKinsey Mind explores how McKinsey tools and techniques can be applied to virtually any business problem in any setting.Immensely valuable in today's crisis-a-minute workplace, it discusses: techniques for framing problems and designing analyses; methods for interpreting results and presenting solutions; and, keys for managing teams, managing clients, and managing yourself. The ability to think in a rigorous, structured manner a McKinsey manner is not a birthright. It can, however, be a learned behavior. Let "The McKinsey Mind" show you how to approach and solve problems with the skill of a McKinsey consultant and obtain the positive results that have been delivered to McKinsey clients for over a century. McKinsey & Co. is renowned throughout the world for its ability to arrive at sharp, insightful analyses of its clients' situations then provide solutions that are as ingenious as they are effective.McKinsey succeeds almost as well as shielding its revolutionary methods from competitors' scrutiny. Now, "The McKinsey Mind" pulls back the curtain to reveal the ways in which McKinsey consultants consistently deliver their magic and how those methods can be used to achieve exceptional results in companies from 10 employees to 10,000. Packed with insights and brainstorming exercises for establishing the McKinsey mind-set, this book is an in-depth guidebook for applying McKinsey methods in any industry and organizational environment. Taking a step-by-step approach, "The McKinsey Mind" looks at the McKinsey mystique from every angle.Owners, executives, consultants, and team leaders can look to this comprehensive treatment for ways to: follow McKinsey's MECE (mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive) line of attack; frame business problems to make them susceptible to rigorous fact-based analysis; use the same fact-based analysis in conjunction with gut instinct to make strategic decisions; conduct meaningful interviews and effectively summarize the content of those interviews; analyze the data to find out the 'so what'; clearly communicate fact-based solutions to all pertinent decision makers; and, capture and manage the knowledge in any organization to maximize its value. Because organizational problems rarely exist in a vacuum, "The McKinsey Mind" discusses these approaches and more to help you arrive at usable and sensible solutions. It goes straight to the source former McKinsey consultants now in leadership positions in organizations throughout the world to give you today's only implementation-based, solution-driven look at the celebrated McKinsey problem-solving method."'The McKinsey Mind" provides a fascinating peek at the tools, practices, and philosophies that have helped this much-admired firm develop generations of bright young MBAs into trusted corporate advisors. But the book's practical, down-to-earth advice is not just for consultants. The disciplined way in which McKinsey consultants frame issues, analyze problems, and present solutions offers valuable lessons for any practicing or aspiring manager' - Christopher A. Bartlett, Daewoo Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School. McKinsey and Co. rescues the biggest companies from disaster by addressing every problem with its own mixture of logic-driven, hypothesis-tested analysis. "The McKinsey Mind" helps everyone learn how to think with the same discipline and devotion to creating business success. According to the maxim, giving a man a fish may feed him for a day, but teaching him to fish will feed him for a lifetime. Paying McKinsey to solve your problem may help you for a day, but learning how they do it should help you for a lifetime' - Peter Wayner, Author of "Free For All: How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut The High-Tech Titans". '"The McKinsey Mind unlocks the techniques of the world's preeminent consulting firm and presents them in a format that is easy to understand and even easier to implement' - Dan Nagy, Associate Dean, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.

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